Ice Cream Sandwich With A Chocolate Hotdog Bun

admin, September 22, 2014

Everybody loves ice cream!  It’s great to have it in cups, cones or sandwiches!  It just needs a bit of creativity.  Just yesterday after a heavy lunch some friends were talking about dessert.  Mark said “I still have some vanilla ice cream in the office fridge.”  Yna, our contributing baker girl said “I don’t want plain ice cream, let’s go to the convenience store to see what else there is.”  And voila!  We have this … Something that was all too simple to make, but definitely yummy!

And this is something you and your friends and family can play around with … have different flavors of ice cream, different bun types and different toppings.  Making it is almost as much fun eating it!

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  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Chocolate buns (Or you can use plain hotdog buns)
  • Caramel
  • 1 Pack Oreo Cookies



1. Put a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream on the bun
2. Crush some Oreo cookies and sprinkle it on top of the ice cream
3. Drizzle the caramel over the entire thing


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